Sunday 8:30am: Game Design Lean Coffee
Once again we were blessed with Stephanie running us some Lean Coffee on Game Design. Various of us got together, put down some topics to discuss, voted on said topics, and then discussed the shit out of them. Great, great stuff, and I will be doing this at Gateway, even though Stephanie likely won't be there (sadness).
What is it? You can read more about it in my writeup at Orccon 2018, earlier this year.
Sunday kiddo time
The next hours involved me picking up the kiddo, getting together with other families and kiddos, checking out the dealer hall, and so on.
Sunday 2pm: Games on Demand Kids Edition
So good! About a dozen kids showed, and more than a few GMs... I didn't even run a thing. We had the following games:
- Chris Grey running Tiny Dungeons
- Rob Herbert running Teenage Witch Academy
- Zoe and father Bill running Spiders & Dragons (a Deep Forest hack); I did also play in this one a bit!
Additionally, Mike Olson was running some D&D AL and it overflowed into our GoD area, and this had a double-benefit: 1. He had a kid join us in gaming, and 2. the majority of his D&D table were teens, so it actually made it look like we had a bigger GoD Kids than we actually did. I'll take it!
Teenage Witch Academy
Chris running Tiny Dungeons, just the right amount of crunch for little crunchers.
Zoe running Spiders and Dragons!
Sunday afternoon: Artemis and board games
The rest of the afternoon brought on some various wanderings and board games. We got a table going of King of Tokyo in the convention's "Family area", which has been in pretty constant high demand over the last few cons, especially as people know it exists now.
King of Tokyo!
Strategicon used to run Artemis quite regularly, as one of the con-goers would bring his gear and have games set up. The premise is you are playing crew members on the bridge of a Star Trek-like vessel, and each player plays a different station: Engineering, Communications, Science, Weapons, Navigation. And of course: the Captain, who doesn't get a computer, but just coordinates everyone else. Problem is, the guy who used to run it got burned out, and so we haven't seen this at the con for over a year.
Good news! Strategicon just purchased the equipment, including touch screens, to run this themselves, and so this was the first con to re-introduce Artemis to the con-going masses. A few volunteers help you learn how to play and setup the scenario for you, so even if you have zero experience, you can still have a great time.
I knew about this re-introduction of the game, and so went and signed up for a slot for the kids, and they went to check it out, and of course: loved it. We actually ended up playing a couple of times, since there were some later slot drop-outs. Video down below!
Artemis training
Our captain, captaining.
Sunday late: Werewolf and Shadowcon
The afternoon also involved finding some other games, and one was Cash N' Guns, a little shoot-em-up LARP type thing.
Cash N Guns
As per usual, Sunday late-night involved lots of Werewolf, however in this case they had a game that started late, and went even later. I opted out, and instead played some board games with Ann-Marie while husband Jim played Werewolf with the kids.
At a certain point while the kids are playing, I'll take little jaunts up to visit Gina and the lovely folks up at Shadowcon, to have RPG gaming discussions (or watch them run an off-book game, occasionally). It's a little slice of non-Werewolf heaven that I always take advantage of, and thoroughly enjoy.
Monday was just waking up late, having breakfast up in the lounge with as many people as we could fit, and then wandering about and playing the "scavenger LARP", for which we barely found anything this time (I think one 20-sided die, maybe?)
And thus ends another Strategicon...