The Newly Arrived (formerly known as The Outsiders) is available at
What would you do or say to be part of a community? What if your survival depends on it?
As a society, does your success depend on new members? How would you choose who belongs?
The Newly Arrived is a game where you take on a dual role. You play a group of individuals trying to join an established community, and you represent a council determining their fate.
How it plays
Are we prospective students applying to a magic school, survivors fleeing from an apocalypse and trying to get into a walled settlement, or something else? Who we are, and what community we are trying to join, is determined by us collaboratively at the beginning of the session.
The Newly Arrived is a game in playtesting, designed by J. Gurantz. It is inspired by For the Queen by Alex Roberts, Reunion, The Quiet Year, Everyone’s A Suspect, and more. The mechanics involve taking turns asking question of the outsiders, and eventually using this information as the council to vote on a resolution, followed by short epilogues. The game is GM-less, and the instructions are collaboratively read by the players, similar to For the Queen. The game takes about 2-3 hours to play.
It has been playtested almost a dozen times, including at Strategicon Gateway 2019, Big Bad Con 2019, PineCon 2019, GauntletCon 2019, in home games, and online.